Today I made chocolate chip banana muffins from a recipe from I think the people who write into epicurious are hilarious, and mostly I just enjoy reading their psychotic reviews of recipes. I decided to take some of their less risky advice for alterations for the recipe and see whether it made any difference. I think I tested too many variables at a time, because I can't tell what caused what.
Here's the recipe:
1 1/2 C all purpose flour
2/3 C sugar
1 1/2 t baking powder
1/3 t salf
1 C mashed ripe bananas
1 large egg
1/2 C unsalted butter, melted
1/4 C milk
3/4 C semisweet choco chips
Oven 350. Line muffin tin. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, + salt. Mix bananas, egg, melted butter, + milk. Stir wet mix into dry mix until just blended. Stir in choco chips. Fill cups 3/4 full. Bake approx. 30 min.
In my first variation, I added baking soda (1/2 t). In my second variation, I added 1/2 t cinnamon and 1 t vanilla.
The muffin on the left has baking soda; the muffin on the right has vanilla and cinnamon. You can't tell from the picture, but the one on the left is much prettier--it has a nicer color (more golden). It also peeled away from the paper easier, although both peeled just fine. The cinnamon flavor is nice, though. I don't know what difference the vanilla made, or what accounts for the nicer color.
I think this recipe is pretty good--the muffins are moist yet fluffy--but it's nothing special. I'm interested in finding a kick-ass banana muffin recipe . . .
that looks SO unappetizing. why don't you put chocolate frosting on the top.
Julia: Some dark and disturbing part of me really wants to say something silly like, "Nice picture...the cupcakes look good, too." And yet I know that I need to suppress this urge.
Perri: All right, we've thrown out rules of capitalization in internet writing, but punctuating a question with a period? Really?
Also Perri: I hope you thought that that was funny and not annoying.
from jill (mom): I've spent years searching for the perfect chocolate chip banana muffin recipe. I totally am happy for you to continue the search and find the winner!
This is my recipe:
2 C mashed bananas
1 C oil
2 C sugar
4 eggs
3 1/4 C flout
1 1/2 t. baking soda
1 t. salt
Mix together. Add chocolate chips and dried apricots are good to add too. I often top with granola and dried bananas. Bake at 350 degrees.
I also think Ina's banans crunch muffins are very good too.
Ok- all of you are psychotic, and I'm the one on medication! Miss Julia Kramer, you are incredible. I love you so so so much. I am personally a huge fan of anything bananaey and chocolatey...ok I know that the former is not a word but you know me and making up words. I have to agree with your boyfriend on this one concerning your pictures. With the recipe variation for your other cupcakes I feel the urge to say...Nice comparison? The darker one looks like it might have some cinnamon in it? Looks flavorful? I love you. And I will forever make chocolate chip banana bread...muffin form complicates things...but I know how you like to complicate things :)
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