Yesterday I made these Maple Walnut Cupcakes, which are from Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook. I found the recipe on-line at "Culinary in the Country," which is a blog where this guy (multiple people?) posts about what he cooks each day. Here's the link to the recipe:
It is a very impressive site. The cupcakes, I must say, were not. They were very "Martha"--light, pretty, but generally lacking in flavor. The frosting (which was just maple syrup, butter, and eggs) was light and fluffy but quite bland. I didn't bother making caramelized walnuts because I wasn't too thrilled with the recipe. The one nice thing about the cupcakes was their texture--there are toasted walnuts baked into the fluffy cupcakes, which really worked out well. I think that cupcakes should be sweet--this was more of a cross between a muffin and cupcake, and although the cupcakes tasted fine, they're not my favorite.
"Success! Full Success!"
- (Can you name that movie, Julia?)
You're such a ridiculous critic, Julia. Those cupcakes were delicious. Now, I'll grant that I'm less fond of "sweet for sweet's sake" school of dessert cookery than you are, but still, objectively speaking, those cupcakes were a success.
i am waiting for the blogger to find the recipe that she raves about,,,although i have to say this picture looked pretty good and worth digging into.
i think it would be great if the blogger could send out samples with the reviews...
try to figure out how to do that please.
from the hungry cupcake critic
Hurrah! I support all cupcakes for which banana is not a main ingredient.
Yes, these cupcakes were certainly tasty. Given a choice of cupcakes to be eating during the Apocalypse, I would definitely choose these. Perhaps I will. Better make some more, though, because I already ate the only one I had.
that pictures is fantastic! too bad they didn't taste good. once i heard that someone made a chocolate beet cupcake and that that was good -- why don't you go try something crazy like that?
i love you!
Ok if the cupcake monster person would eat these during the apocalypse than that has to say something. When you said you made these, they seemed sooo falley. I could just taste the mapley walnutty goodness. I haven't tried them but I am sure those cupcakes were indeed a success.I am agreeing with Andrew here and saying that you are indeed such a ridiculous critic. Movies included.
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